• In this post i will be explaining what i learned on the third session of the ethical hacking class. Our topic for this session was being able to use or utilizing search engines. Some of the search engines introduced to us were Maltego, theHarvester, and Goorecon. Maltego is an open source intelligence and forensics application and shows how information is connected to each other, theharvester is a backtracking, information gathering search engine, and goorecon is a kali linux information gathering search engine. Whilst also being taught some codes on theharvester, how to sign-up and use maltego, and google hacking using specific syntax.

  • In this post i will be explaining what i learned on the second session of the ethical hacking class.  Target scoping and information gathering were the main topics of the day. Our objectives for the week were using web tools for footprinting, describing DNS zone transfers, and conducting competitive intelligence. And We were assigned to create another kali linux virtual machine so that we have 2 virtual machine, so that the other one could sniff the other one and retrieve the information.

    These are the steps and commands on what to do:

    By using the command line “Ifconfig” on the targeted VM By using the command line “# tcpdump -vvn -I eth0 src <ip address> -w <filename>.pcap” on the attacking VM By running these lines, We are getting records of the other virtual machine that is being sniffed Ifconfig Tcpdump command line “tcpdump -w eth0 host <ip> -w <filename>.pcap” Some examples on getting the records Result on pcap file which is opened by wireshark


  • In this post i will be explaining what i learned on my first session of ethical hacking. For the first session i learned the definition of what an ethical hacker was and what was a hacker’s actual occupation.  Types of hackers and what to do to be able to be an ethical hacker. Difference between penetration testers and security testers. Definition of penetration testing and its methods, the roles of red team and blue team, and also laws regarding hacking. What is allowed in the country and actions which are not allowed/illegal. Good business ethics, making contracts for example